
Recently, I heard Brené Brown say, “Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.” Too often we will avoid being direct because it can create a feeling of uncomfortability. It can be tough to share your thoughts and feelings with others. Being vulnerable is hard and sometimes when we are trying to share our thoughts, we become overwhelmed and internalize them instead of speaking our minds. It takes practice to communicate effectively and it is a lifelong process. Clear communication can help to avoid misunderstandings and can strengthen your relationship with yourself and others. 

Relationships that are built on a foundation of trust and clarity will serve you tremendously. Clear communication leads to partnerships that have balance, patience, and understanding. It is completely valid that we can’t give 100% of ourselves every day. When we communicate our needs with each other it creates an opportunity for you and others to be supported. Sometimes we may feel that we don’t know what to say or how to communicate what we want, need, or feel. In those moments, you can still be direct and communicate clearly by being honest. “I don’t know” is an acceptable answer. However, when we give an answer like “I don’t know”, we are then responsible for taking the time to reflect on what lies beneath that phrase. If we look within ourselves, we can find a deeper understanding. If we attempt to avoid being direct, stating our needs, or sharing our feelings we often create an internalized sense of judgment, shame, and fear. This is not an area where growth can happen. Communication provides us with an opportunity to build a community, educate, and learn. 

Don’t be afraid to speak your truth. Follow your intuition, trust yourself, and shine as brightly as you can every day. Take a moment to reflect on how you can communicate with those around you more clearly. Is there something you have been wanting to share but aren’t sure how? What do you need today from yourself or others?