“Celebrate your progress, don’t wait for perfection.”
The journey of life is filled with ups and downs, which can make it difficult to recognize your progress. Regardless of the path you are taking along your journey, if you are doing your best, you are making progress. We all strive for perfection at some point in our lives because we feel we need to be flawless. We are often told by others that we must meet certain expectations or do things in a certain way, which leaves us with an idea of how things should be.
If reaching perfection is the goal and it feels stressful, unsatisfying, and like a never ending process, is it worth it? Is your time and energy to meet the expectations put upon you by others what YOU want?
Everyone’s journey looks different, therefore, there is no perfect path to take. Some people may have a lot of small ups and downs, while others have larger ups and downs. Don’t compare yourself and your journey to others. They are not comparable because your path is YOUR path and it is up to you to create it. Nobody else gets to choose what your life’s journey looks like. Put the idea of “should” aside and really take some time to reflect on if what you are doing with your life is what you want to be doing.
As you travel along the journey of your life I want you to ask yourself, “Am I happy?” If you are happy, then you are “perfect” and nobody can tell you otherwise. If you are not happy, take a step back and reevaluate your choices. What can be changed to point your compass in the direction you want to go?