Ask, Don't Tell

Supporting Your ADHD Child With Their Morning Routine

Everyone has a natural desire for autonomy and independence. Constantly being told what to do can make people with ADHD feel like they're not in control of their own actions or decisions, leading to frustration and resistance. When asking a child with ADHD to do something, it's essential to considering their unique needs and challenges. 

Here are some strategies you can use to help your child manage their morning routine:

Example: First - brush teeth, Second - get dressed, etc. 

Example:  "Do you want to wear your purple shirt or red shirt?"

" Do you want to shower now or after breakfast?"

" Do you want a cereal or toast for breakfast?"

"Do you want a hug or high five before your go?"

By using these strategies, you can help make the morning routine more manageable for your child and set them up for a successful day at school.