Printable Resources
When your to-do list is long, do you find it challenging to know where to start? Reduce decision-making fatigue by creating an ADHD Menu. Begin by categorizing your tasks into low, medium, and high energy requirements. The energy each task demands will vary for everyone. By utilizing the ADHD Menu to guide you through your list, you can reduce overwhelm and make progress even on low-energy days.
8 Roles for Kids
Children are natural helpers and love to feel like they belong. Having a role can help your child feel in control and reduce negative attention seeking behaviors. This printable poster includes 8 Roles for Kids to get them involved in daily activities. Print this poster out and hang it in a common location. Allow your child to choose the role they would like for the day and enjoy your time together!
Coping Card
Take this card with you in your backpack, purse, fanny pack, or wallet to help remind you of skills you can use when you feel overwhelmed or need a break! It includes tips for self-soothing, emotional awareness, mindfulness, distractions, and a safety plan.
Understanding and Managing Anger Workbook
Children often need support understanding and managing their emotions. This 5 page workbook is a great place to begin. It includes information and activities about safe vs. unsafe behaviors, appropriate language, and what your child can and can't control.
Hand Model of the Brain
Our brains are responsible for controlling our fight, flight, and freeze response. When we feel threatened our brain will automatically take over. Dan Siegel's Hand Model of the Brain can help you and your child understand how and why you respond the way you do to the world around you.
Children's Emotions Chart
Helping your child learn the language to communicate their emotions effectively will contribute to their healthy development. Print out this chart and hang it where your child can access It easily!
Coping Skill Chart
Having a toolbox with healthy coping skills can support you and/or your child with increasing emotional regulation. As we learn to manage our emotions we can form better healthy relationships and increase healthy communication.
Emergency Contact Card
Life is full of unexpected situations. Having an emergency contact card in your wallet, purse, car, or backpack can be extremely helpful. The hope is to never need your emergency contact card. However, it is always better to be prepared.
Emotional Sunflower Matching Game
Use this interactive matching game to help teach your child about emotions. Print & match each of the Sunflower faces to the correct emotion!