The Star

January 14th - 20th

The Star card appears as a good omen. It represents hope, unexpected help, time of rest and rejuvenation. It’s a reminder that you can just be. Be proud of yourself, you have faced many obstacles along your journey. Your core purpose is being illuminated from beneath the masks you have worn and you are developing a new appreciation for who YOU are. You are being showered with Divine inspiration and are ready to receive blessings. Allow your inspiration to flow through you. 

Remember, anything is possible. You are tethered by a strand of white light to the energy of pure love. Allowing yourself space to heal is so courageous. The Star card reminds you that you have faith and hope that you CAN heal. It helps us to breathe life into the belief that we are allowed to heal and rest. You are bringing in a fresh perspective as you make significant changes in your life. Let go of any limiting beliefs and live your life in pure authenticity. Be open to new ideas and inspiration, and allow your intuition to guide you. 

You have been vulnerable and honest with yourself along your journey. You have faith, balance, belief, and a strong connection with the universe. You are experiencing significant personal growth. Find the courage to voice any unexpressed feelings that have been holding you back and let go of any outgrown energy tying you to your past. As you release old energy, the stars will align to help you focus on the future and shine a light on the path you need to move forward on your journey. 

When you have found the path, the star helps to guide you. Showing up to your life in a truthful way. You have gone through a massive transformation. You’ve learned what is true for you; what your life purpose is and you are ready to step into your path. You are full of hope and are realizing that your dreams really can come true. Give yourself permission to dream and allow yourself to reach for the stars, the universe truly blesses you.

The tarot deck I read from is The Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne. If you would like to learn more about her deck visit