Queen of Wands
August 12th-18th
The Queen of Wands embodies confidence, courage, and a vibrant, dynamic energy. This is a time of stepping into one's personal power and embracing a charismatic and magnetic presence. This card encourages you to radiate your inner light, inspiring others with your enthusiasm and zest for life. You’re being reminded to trust in your abilities and to approach challenges with a bold and assertive attitude. This may include setting and reinforcing boundaries that allow you to release energy that no longer serves you.
As you venture through this week, creativity and passion can lead to significant achievements. The Queen of Wands represents a nurturing yet fiercely independent spirit, urging folks to pursue their passions wholeheartedly and without hesitation. It speaks to the importance of self-expression and the willingness to take risks in order to achieve one's desires. The energy of the Queen of Wands is contagious, motivating those around her to believe in themselves and their capabilities.
This card is a powerful indicator of a time to embrace one's inner strength and to lead with passion and enthusiasm. By embodying the qualities of the Queen of Wands, you can inspire and uplift others, creating a ripple effect of positivity and empowerment.
The tarot deck I read from is The Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne. If you would like to learn more about her deck visit https://lightseerstarot.com/