Ace of Swords

February 5th-11th

The Ace of Swords is a card of wisdom, truth, and mental clarity. You have been on an inward journey; step by step, you have found clues along the way to seeking your truth. With each step you have taken, you are seeing the answers more clearly. You may have needed time to yourself to visit the quiet places of your mind. There is much healing that comes from visiting the deepest parts of yourself. As you release old ways of thinking, you will step into a new opportunity; an ah-ha moment. 

The swords are associated with the element of Air, which is the element of thought and ideas, fueled by the imaginative process. Allow new ideas, inspiration, and visions to support you as you use your creative and intellectual abilities in this moment of self-expansion. This is an excellent time to start a new project or follow the path that calls upon your intellect, communication skills, and mental power. This may feel uncomfortable since you have not been here before. Trust yourself through this process and allow your intuition to continue peacefully guiding you toward the truth.

The tarot deck I read from is The Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne. If you would like to learn more about her deck visit