6 of Cups

January 21st - 28th

The Six of Cups depicts an adult person and his dog sitting on a hillside. Their connection is strong and they trust one another. As they sit, they reflect on the beginning of their journey together, as a small child and a pup, and how far they have come. 

This card takes you back to the happy memories you experienced in your childhood. It's a reminder for you to take a moment and reflect on how far you have come. All of the steps you had to take to get to where you are today and each obstacle you had to overcome. You may be triggered by old memories and feel guilt about the choices you have made. You are human, the choices you made at the time were in line with the path you needed to experience. It is okay to forgive yourself.

Memories can help along the healing journey to process the lessons you have learned. They show the growth you’ve made and can help highlight where you’re headed next. You may not always understand why you experience what you do in the moment, but as you reflect on the memories you have take a moment to find the lessons you’ve learned. It's time to turn over a new leaf and start fresh from a positive place. 

This may be a time for you to reconnect with your inner child or someone who positively influenced you in your past. When you take time to reconnect it will help you to find your whole self. Stay present, open-minded, and curious as you move forward; the world Is a magical place.

“I am at peace with my past. It has brought me to where I am meant to be.”

The tarot deck I read from is The Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne. If you would like to learn more about her deck visit https://lightseerstarot.com/